Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Round Two..Ding, Ding

After the first round of Chemo my blood counts started climbing...which is a good thing. But, the white blood cells that my body was producing ended up being "evil". Over 50% were leukemic. This means that my cancer is VERY aggressive and I need to start round two of Chemo immediately. Obviously I've got a fight on my hands. But as Kelly reminded me, everything I do is 150% so why not this too. My attitude is there is only one option - Beat this monster! We're looking at a bone marrow transplant much earlier now. We are making plans to get to City of Hope as soon as we get the green light. My sisters Tiffany and TJ will be tested for a match and we'll replace my bad cells with good cells. Then my new cells will start to do what they need to do to get me home for good.


RVM said...


I just got word of all of this tonight from a neighbor.

I have known you since the inception of the the Riptide and above all else, I know that you are a fighter!

You FIGHT hard, keep your faith in God and remember that ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING and you WILL WIN this battle.

The Mangels' family is praying for your full and complete recovery from this sickness.

If you or your wife need us for anything, please call me. An errand, check on something, water the plants - whatever it is.

We will see you soon.


The Mangels'

Robin Edmond said...

Jeanne, John, Katherine, and I are praying for you everyday! You are going to beat this! There are so many people out there thinking of you. We're all behind you. Stay strong. Do what the doctors tell you. Mediate and the Lord will be there for you. We love you.

The Edmond's
Robin, Jeanne, John, and Katherine

mmangels said...

Dear Coach Todd and Larsen Family,

I am overwhelmed as I have just learned of the troubling news today. As you have truly impacted my life and the lives of many others around me, I am in shock and in sorrow.
It is much easier to talk about thinking optimistically, than it is to actually live a life with positive thinking. I know that all things happen for a reason even though I would not like to believe that, there is a greater plan than our own.
I know that Coach Todd has the optimistic and positive attitude that many seem to lack at times and that he is ready to take on this fight head on.
Todd, Kellie, and Garrett, you are all in my thoughts and prayers as you go through this difficult time.

Mackenzie Mangels

Pini said...

You'll get this monster in the second round for sure! I'm here for you brother. I love you and think of you constantly!

The Machados said...

Rock on Todd! Looking forward to Toddstock!

Sally Lindsay said...

You are amazing! Keep up that great positive attitude, as hard as it may be. You have a huge group of cheer leaders supporting you. Ra, Ra, for the good cells!
Love to you, Kelly and Garrett,
GAS - Great Aunt Sally

Anonymous said...

Todd, You are the kind of guy who doesn't just do things at 100% - you go above and beyond! So we know you are gonna kick this thing's BOO-TAY!!! Stay positive and don't give up...there's so many of us that are cheering you on and praying for you!

Banana and Gang