I was amazed at the royal "welcome home" I got today. A huge thanks to everybody who decorated the neighborhood and my house today. You all rock!
Ribbons tied on the trees...
My garage door...
I am so glad to be home!!!
Before I left the hospital, Kelly thought it would be fun to decorate my head...

WELCOME HOME TODD! I love you bro! Wish I were there!
happy halloween......
love maya(:
i hope u get better soon..... Maya
Hey Todd! Wishing you all the "rockin" positive energy for this journey! Doug and I always here for blood, platelets or bone marrow... drinkin' LOTS of Guinness... hey, why not catch a Guiness buzz! (jus' kiddin!) So I'm thinkin you should keep this COOL head thing... wanna go with you to pick out tattoo! :) Doug and Donna Luebbe
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