Thursday, October 15, 2009


A local paper called the OCRegister did an article on Todd. You can click on more photos to see some great photos of the Larsens. Check it out at



Dale said...

Todd, I saw the article in the Irvine World News today and came here to pass along my wishes for a complete and full recovery.

My wife was diagnosed 7 years ago this month with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and told that her FISH test results said she had at most 2 years to live. Since then she has maintained her full lifestyle and positive attitude and luckily has been able to push off the day when she needs treatment. Your positive attitude and focus on giving to others is just like hers, and I believe that karma plays a large role in circumstances like these.

My mother was also diagnosed with CLL 2 years ago and underwent her treatment and is doing quite well at the age of 85.

Stay strong and positive! You, Kelly and Garrett will be in our prayers.

Taite said...

The OC Register story is fantastic! I was taken aback at 0'dark-thirty this morning when I saw you guys on the cover! Todd and Kelly - It's great to see the signs and ribbons every time I pull into the neighborhood and our drive court. I have been sending you positive vibes every chance I get and my Dad put you on the prayer list at Christ Church, in Alexandria, VA - which has a huge congregation in Old Town and is where George Washington went! People near and far are trying to help you beat this thing. I'm thrilled to be plugged into the blog now, since I haven't seen you guys in the driveway to get the updates. It's awesome to see the outpouring of community support and I'm looking forward to joining the fundraisers... Best wishes for a rockin' recovery!

Bill said...

These pics are great! Too bad they didn't print all 9.