Friday, October 16, 2009

Another Miracle!!

Hot off the press..
Todd and I just received a call from our Doctor. Based upon early results of a BM biopsy done yesterday, the lab found NO new blasts in his marrow. AMAZING news! Basically, after the first round of chemo his body is growing only healthy cells. This does not change the course of treatment and does not mean we are out of the woods. What it does tell us is that we won this battle and that the cancer can be tamed...

Thank you for your prayers, thoughts, support and love. Thank you for fighting this battle with us!


Annie said...

Great news!! Congrats! Our thoughts and prayers remain with you as you continue to fight.

--Annie Green

Unknown said...

We are rooting for you every step of the way. You have the attitude and strength to beat this thing. You are an amazing person and we wish you and your family only the best of blessings.

The Guinet Gang

Robert Sweeney said...

0 is great score! You're kickin butt, of course. Look forward to seeing you all soon! Love - the Sweeney Family

The Jakobi Family said...

Todd & Kelly

This is fabulous news! Keep the good news coming.

The Jakobi's