This time of the year especially, we are reminded to voice what we're thankful for. My heart is so full of thanks that I just have to blog it to all of you.
I am most thankful for my amazing wife Kelly. We are, without a doubt, going through this together. She is dealing with all of this so well and I cherish our relationship and admire her abilities to hold our world together. Then there's our darling son Garrett. My life changed when he came along. He's turning one next week and already walks, plays the air guitar and dances every time he hears music. What a rock star!
Family is the most important thing in the world to me. I have been so fortunate to have my family around me every step of the way. My parents have made countless trips from Phoenix to be by my bedside, fundraisers and events.
My sister Tiffany has done so much including setting up this blog and fielding every email, call that comes through it. Not to mention traveling to attend and help manage the events. Tiff, you rock!
My sister TJ who's been on bed rest with her second child who has called or emailed me just about everyday with love and support. She also handmade all those cool orange purse and cell phone charms and jewelry that so many of you now own.
I am so lucky to have the best in laws in the world too. My Mom in law has been so helpful with Garrett and my home care by pushing water on me, making me meals and taking my temp. Patty, thank you so much for your love and help!
Hillary, Kelly's sister is living with us and is so helpful with Garrett. I appreciate her so much and can't thank her enough for all she does for us.
I am thankful for all my friends who are so involved with helping us with fundraisers, meals, love and prayers. Kelly and I are so grateful for all the people doing so many wonderful things for us on a daily basis.
I must tell every one of the kids that I have coached or taught over the years how much I miss you. You are the reason I do what I do. I love working with kids and I really miss being a part of their lives as I go through this. It's gonna be a while still, but I will be back and we will pick up where we left off!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Posted by Todd Larsen at 11:39 AM 1 comments
Monday, November 23, 2009
Getting closer to transplant-City of Hope
Kelly and I visited City of Hope last week and met the team that will be helping me through transplant. We were so impressed with the staff and facility. I will be in good hands for sure. The plan more round of chemo at Hoag this month then off to COH for one last round of chemo and a dose of full body radiation. At that point I will be ready for transplant. Of course we have to find a donor match but the doctors are hopeful we will find it on the registry. The search is going on right now so get on the registry! I will be at COH for about 4 months while being closely monitored. They tell me it will be about a year after transplant and I will be able to start working again and get on with my life. Yeah!
Posted by Todd Larsen at 3:56 PM 1 comments
Todd Rockin' Leukemia Golf Scramble
Posted by Todd Larsen at 3:25 PM 0 comments
Blood and Marrow Drive for Todd
Posted by Todd Larsen at 2:59 PM 0 comments
Good News For Kids
A BIG thank you to all who helped with the Good News benefit. It was such a great night and so fun to be together. Here are some photos of the evening... IMA kids rocked!!!!
Honoring Todd!
Dad, Mom, Todd and Tiffany (we missed you Tyler and Tina)
Posted by Todd Larsen at 2:24 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Getting ready for round 3
I was surprised when my doctor let me come home so early after round two. I was expecting to be in the hospital several weeks but it ended up only being a week. He was confident I could recover at home just as well. That made me happy. Any chance I can spend with my family I'll take it! (plus my bed at home is a lot more comfortable)
Unfortunately, we found out that my sister Tiffany is not a Bone Marrow match. That made her sad....Tiffany, don't worry, I still love you ; ) My other sister TJ will be tested and we'll see if she's a match. If not, we'll go to the National Bone Marrow Registry. Have you registered yet?? My doctor said it is common that siblings don't always match but you find one on the registry. Please register! You may save a life. Maybe even mine. There's some bragging rights for you.
I got the staples out of my head last week and it's healing nicely. The Ommaya reservior will stay in forever so I'll always have a little bump on my noggin. Oh well, once my hair grows back you'll never know it's there.
After getting 3 units of platelets and 2 units of whole blood, my counts started climbing rapidly. That's a good thing. Thanx to all who have donated blood and platelets in my name. You rock! My doc says I'm doing great and I'm set to go in for round 3 on November 30th. I get to celebrate Thanksgiving and Garrett's first birthday at home. Woo hoo!!
A huge thanx to everyone involved in the incredible fundraisers thus far. We are so humbled at how amazing our community is. We love and appreciate all of you who are helping us through this tough time. We could not do it without you all.
Posted by Todd Larsen at 10:37 AM 4 comments
Jewelry for Todd
Lisa Gottschalk was one of the vendors at Toddstock and she sells Cookie Lee jewelry. She has offered to extend the Toddstock giving until Todd is DONE with his Chemo treatments. This is a very generous offer as she is giving back almost all of the proceeds (minus the shipping costs only) she receives from Todd Supporters.
Lisa Gottschalk
Independent Cookie Lee Jewelry Consultant
Thank you Lisa!
Posted by Todd Larsen at 9:06 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 13, 2009
IMA Concert
Please don't miss this awesome concert to support Todd! It is on November 18th at Pioneer Middle School. It is going to be so fun!!! Thank you Sean for putting this together. These kids are amazing...thank you for sharing your talent with us and in Todds behalf!!!
Click on the poster for all the details...
Posted by Todd Larsen at 10:58 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Our first Recycling day!
This is an email I received from Robin Edmond...
Over the weekend, Northwood Pointe had their first recyclable pick-up for Todd. On Saturday, we picked up cans plastics in over 80 homes on the Northwood Pointe side, and were able to raise $809 for the Larsen’s. As this is an on-going effort, we plan on having another pick-up in 2-3 weeks again. Please recycle your plastics and aluminum cans for this drive. We hope to continue to get the kids involved and have many more drives throughout 2009 and 2010. God Bless Todd!
This is so awesome!!! Thank you, thank you to everyone involved. Please sign up if you haven't already! Visit
Posted by Todd Larsen at 1:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Ommaya Reservoir
An Ommaya Reservoir is a small plastic device used to carry medicine to fluids in the brain and spinal cord. It also allows samples of cerebrospinal fluid (fluid around the brain and spinal cord) to be taken
for testing. I get one! So lucky!
Here I am as a mummy. Fitting for Halloween don't you think? This was the night before my surgery...

Now chemo can be dropped straight into my brain and spine. The staples will come out in a couple weeks.

Posted by Todd Larsen at 8:22 PM 2 comments
Good News for Kids!
The Good News for Kids annual Gala is on November 19th form 5:15 to 9:30 at the Grove Theater in Aneheim.
Todd is on the committee for this event and his bands play there every year. It is so fun and such a great cause. This year the benefit will include Todd. Please come and aid two great causes. The entertainment is stellar too! For more information please visit
I will see you there!
Posted by Todd Larsen at 8:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
Recycling for Todd
If you haven’t signed up yet and would like to do so before our first pick-up, please go to
Posted by Todd Larsen at 12:38 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Thank You!!
All we can say is "WOW!" Todd and I are in total awe of our family, friends and community. Toddstock, the "Movie Night" and the Rock n' Splash Relay Bash were absolutely amazing! A huge THANK YOU to all who contributed to the events. We are humbled and honored by all of your love and support. I can't imagine where we would be without each and every one of you.
Posted by Todd Larsen at 3:19 PM 1 comments