Thursday, November 4, 2010
Yougurtland Update!

Posted by Todd Larsen at 8:18 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 25, 2010
Todd's Obituary
Todd Kim Larsen was born August 28, 1966, in Salt Lake City, Utah, to Kim and Geri Larsen. He passed away at City of Hope Hospital in Duarte, California, on Oct. 16, 2010. Todd was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on September 18, 2009, and died from complications following a bone marrow transplant. Todd spent his first seven years in Utah, Idaho, Washington and Oregon because of business opportunities being offered to his father. The traveling finally came to an end in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The first glimpse of what would soon become a long list of talents appeared when Todd was 8 years old. He ran for the Duke City Dashers which was, at the time, the #1 youth track team in the nation. He continued participating in numerous types of athletics throughout his schooling, but his true talent was in Track and Field. During his senior year at Alta High School in Sandy, Utah, he set the state quarter mile record, which remained unchallenged for a number of years. This accomplishment earned him a full ride scholarship to Brigham Young University. During that same year, Todd participated in the National High School Decathalon Championships, where he took 2nd place. The fascinating story that comes out of that decathalon competition occurred during several hours between the two-day event. The young man who placed 1st took lessons from Todd in improving his height in the pole vault. The consequence was—Todd came in 2nd place. Always a teacher and definitely a great sport! As a boy, Todd was very active in scouting, obtaining his “Arrow of Light” award in Cub Scouting and then his “Eagle” award in Boy Scouting at the young age of 13.
Todd was voted “The Most Talented” by his high school senior class. He possessed profound musical abilities and was active in many musical groups and school choirs. Additionally, from his early teen years until 2005, Todd was a member of several performing rock bands. Shortly after college Todd moved with his family to Mesa, Arizona, where he enjoyed working as the assistant track and field coach at Mesa Community College. During this same period, he coached the Alta Mesa Marlins, a youth swim team. A few years later he coached the Val Vista Gators, a swim team in Chandler,
Arizona. Also during his years in Arizona, Todd organized, arranged music for and performed in a 7 man a cappella vocal group called “Reliance.” He had a love for musical theatre, starring two different years in “Westside Story” and, in “Anything Goes” while in college. Todd then moved to Southern California where he performed for a year as a singer in Disneyland's “The Hunchback Of Notre Dame.” He then had the opportunity to portray many characters at Tokyo Disneyland, including Prince Charming and Bert from Mary Poppins. After his return from Japan, he coached swimming for the club team, Novaquatics. He also coached for the Irvine Swim League, first for the Heritage Park Seals and then, for the past seven years, the Northpark Riptide. In 2007, he was the recipient of the Irvine Swim League Coach of the Year award. Todd applied his vast musical talent to teaching Orange County youth when he began offering private music lessons in 2002. Purely by word of mouth, what started as a small hobby quickly turned into a growing business. Todd created a private music school, the Irvine Music Academy, where he offered private lessons in guitar, bass, drums, piano and vocals. His focus was not only on fostering talent in young musicians but also on teaching them about the music business. Through auditions, he created multiple skill-based youth bands. In their respective bands, the students were taught responsibility and time management as well as collaboration and communication skills. Whether coaching, swimming, or teaching music, Todd loved working with “his kids.” Todd and his wife, Kelly, were married in Phoenix, Arizona, on April 22, 2006. They were blessed with many beautiful years together and thousands of priceless memories. He is survived by his wife, Kelly, his 22-month-old son, Garrett, his canine companion, Molly, his parents, Kim and Geri Larsen, his brother, Tyler Larsen, and his sisters, Tiffany (Joseph) Hale and Tina (Ryan) Pini. Todd will be missed by everyone who knew him and loved him.
Posted by Todd Larsen at 9:21 PM 4 comments
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Todd's Funeral Proceedings
Todd's funeral proceedings will take place on October 28th at Mariners Church, 10:00am.
Posted by Todd Larsen at 12:00 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Memory Books
Posted by Todd Larsen at 12:06 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
OC Register and Articles
The OC Register ran a nice article on Todd today...
Posted by Todd Larsen at 1:14 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Our Sweet Todd
Our sweet Todd passed away early this morning. We can't begin to express our sorrow. He fought so hard right up to the end. We can find solace in knowing that he is free of pain and tubes now. He must be so glad for that. We will post announcements for the funeral procedings here.
We love you Todd and are so proud of your bright life and valliant fight!
Until we meet again...
Posted by Todd Larsen at 3:41 PM 12 comments
Friday, October 15, 2010
Todd's status
Todd is in the ICU. He has multiple infections is being put on dialysis and a ventilator. Please pray for him!!!!! Heavenly Father hears our prayers and I know if it is His will that Todd pulls through this, he will. I believe in miracles.
Posted by Todd Larsen at 1:58 PM 10 comments
Friday, October 1, 2010
Posted by Todd Larsen at 9:52 PM 2 comments
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Todd's status
Hello friends and family! I wanted to give you a quick update on Todd. He is EATING!!!!! We are so happy. His appetite has returned and he is gaining some weight back. He is still at City of Hope. It's amazing to me that we expected him to be home last April or May and he is STILL there. Every time he gets close to getting out of there something pops up or goes wrong. Poor guy. He is on an emotional roller coaster ride. They have him doing physical therapy daily. He can't go very far without needing a walker or wheelchair. This process is so slow. He needs to be more self-sufficient before they will release him. They are also still reducing some meds before that time. He will be going to a rehabilitation center when he is released. This will be great. He will be able to regain strength through rigorous physical therapy. We don't know how long he will be there. We have learned not to plan on anything when it comes to Leukemia!
Posted by Todd Larsen at 7:32 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 2, 2010
Cherry on Top

Posted by Todd Larsen at 10:24 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Todd will be honored at the Leaders of Integrity Awards Luncheon!
I am excited to share with you that our friend Todd Larsen is being honored
at the Leaders of Integrity Awards Luncheon being held at the Radisson
Hotel in Newport Beach on October 13th. This is sure to be a great event
celebrating Todd and three other members of our community that are great
examples of ethical leadership. I hope you will be able to purchase a seat,
a table or help in the sponsorship of the event. Todd is thrilled to
honored in this way and plans to be in attendance with his wife Kelly.
You can secure your reservation or make a pledge by clicking the link
below. I hope to see you there.
Please forward this to any other friends and family that may want to join
us and support Todd at this event.
Bill Sanderson
Posted by Todd Larsen at 10:17 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Update on Todd
Posted by Todd Larsen at 11:46 AM 3 comments
Darling Mallory Arkin has set up a yummy way to support Todd...this is how the fundraiser will work- starting this Wednesday, you can go to Yogurtland (the Jamboree Rd Irvine Marketplace location) with the attached flyer and make a purchase, the cashier will write Todd's name on the back of the receipt and 15% of each purchase will then be donated to Todd. Yogurtland will make a check out to Todd monthly and give it to Mallory.
Posted by Todd Larsen at 11:07 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Todd's Recovery
Hello again,
Here are some photos of Todd and Garrett on Memorial Day...

Posted by Todd Larsen at 7:33 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Photos from the Todd Rocks Benefit Concert!
If you would like to purchase any photos from the Todd Rocks Benefit Concert the proceeds will go to Todd and his family! (Thank you Anthony!!!) You can view them at http://www.sport-traiture.com/Music/Todd-Rocks/11207659_dFCrz#785824642_AwpuA
Posted by Todd Larsen at 7:58 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Quick Update
Hello wonderful friends,
Posted by Todd Larsen at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Dinner at Stonefire Grill!!!
Please join us at the Stonefire Grill (3966 Barranca - just west of Culver in the Mervyn’s/Target Center) on Tuesday, April 20. 15% of the proceeds from your dine-in or take-out order will go directly to Todd. Special thanks to Laura Yazdi, one of Todd’s former students, for organizing this fundraiser! Please put it on your calendar for next week! Many thanks and bon appétit!
Posted by Todd Larsen at 10:30 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Todd's Status
Todd is on the roller coaster ride of his life. Everyday brings a new set of challenges. He is out of the ICU now and back to his regular room. Yay!! His mystery bleed healed and is causing no more drama. His symptoms, though terrible, are mostly to be expected. He continues to be very nauseated and has an incredibly sore mouth. (Intubation surely added to that) If you have been trying to get in touch with him to no avail, don't feel too bad. I promise he is not screening you out. He is unable to talk most of the time and the other part is filled with nausea. I have been able only a couple of times to catch him and he was pretty groggy from his medications. We are keeping a pretty good record of all the crazy things he is saying though! ha ha
Some good news is that he is making new, healthy white blood cells. Things seem to be going according to plan.
Todd is still Todd under all of this junk, and we know he loves you and is so grateful for you and your thoughts and prayers in his behalf!
Posted by Todd Larsen at 8:42 PM 1 comments
Monday, March 22, 2010
Poker results are in...
Hello All,
I wanted to report on the outcome of the poker tournament.
We had ~35 participants who competed for nearly $2,000 in prizes. The top four “card sharks” were:
1st Place: Erik Ludovico
2nd Place: Andy Ujiie
3rd Place: Carrie Deverian
4th Place: Kim Gebrosky
It was particularly fun to watch Carrie ruthlessly knock off her husband and father over the course of the event!
Due to the extraordinary generosity of the winners (most of whom re-gifted portions of their winnings), contestants and families who directly donated, we were able to collect $2,250 for the Larsen’s! The whole event left me “royally flushed” (sorry couldn’t help myself).
Special thanks to Brad Freedman, who dreamed up this event. Erik Smith, Brad Freedman and I enjoyed putting this together and are glad everyone had so much fun!
Bentley T. Kerr
Posted by Todd Larsen at 4:50 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 12, 2010
Poker Night for Todd
Posted by Todd Larsen at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Golf Scramble photos
I am a bit behind in posting some of the photos from the great benefits we have had lately. Sorry. In a effort to fix this here are some photos of the golf scramble in Arizona this past December was a great success and so fun! Thank you to all who helped out, especially to the Fosbergs who brought their idea to life!!! You guys Rock!! Enjoy some of the highlights...
Click on photos to enlarge
Posted by Todd Larsen at 1:29 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Tomorrow is "Day 1"
To our family and friends,
Tomorrow is the beginning of a new chapter in our story. In the BMT world, the day after the transplant is known as "Day 1." To us, it means we have made it over the mountain and we are on our way down. It is the start of the journey toward healing and a life long remission. The last six months have been unbelievably difficult, yet so very blessed. Todd and I know that we have made it this far because of you. There were times when life was entirely too overwhelming, but then someone left a card on our door, brought us dinner, or helped us pay our bills. So often we were carried by the generosity of those that love us. And for that we will be eternally grateful and humbled.
Looking forward...the next few weeks are going to be tough. The nurses are doing an amazing job of keeping Todd comfortable as his body heals and accepts the stem cells. We are praying for limited graft vs host complications. Overall, he is in good spirits and is doing everything he can to stay strong and healthy. We will do our best to keep everyone posted on the recovery process.
All our love,
TKG (and Hillary too)
Posted by Todd Larsen at 10:14 PM 3 comments
Transplant day!
Today is the day! We are so excited. We are praying that his body will accept the transplant. Todd is soooo sick. It is amazing what he has to go through physically and mentally for this transplant to work! Please pray with us today!!!
Good luck Todd- You can do this! We love you!!!
Just some of the fluids going into Todd. Crazy!!!
Posted by Todd Larsen at 8:45 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 22, 2010
City of Hope: The first day
Well, blood has been drawn, temperature and weight recorded and IV's hooked up...the new leg of the journey has begun! Todd received his first radiation treatment this morning and is doing well. He will get irradiated (scary word) two more time today and eight more times over the next 3 days. Then the chemo begins. He is going to feel pretty awful, but as his tweets/FB have said, Todd is ready for a fight!
I wanted to post the address here in case anyone wanted to send a card...
Todd Larsen
c/o City of Hope
1500 E. Duarte Rd.
Duarte, CA 91010-3000
Due to his soon to be immuno-compromised status please do not send fresh flowers, fruit...basically anything that was once alive or is currently alive :)
All our love,
Todd and Kelly
Posted by Todd Larsen at 9:45 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Next stop...City of Hope
I just finished a battery of pre-tests over the last three days at City of Hope and the next step is transplant. I'm being admitted this Sunday February 21 and will then undergo 4 days of full body radiation followed by a week of chemo. This is to knock my immune system down really low and wipe out my bone marrow completely. I will receive my bone marrow transplant on March 2. (My new 2nd birthday) It will be like a blood transfusion.... 3-4 hours of getting someone else's stem cells and then it's a waiting game of making sure my body and the new cells "get along". There is a risk of Graft vs. Host disease, but my doctor has ways of minimizing that and/or combating it if it happens. I am a little scared but I am in good hands. I will be watched closely by my doctors for about 100 days after transplant and then return home to finish recovering for another 6-9 months.
I am so grateful we are at this point in this battle and that someone has agreed to give of themselves and donate to me. It is literally saving my life and I don't even know who they are. Yet. I will be given that opportunity in about a year.
It is a scary thing to have a life-threatening disease. I never thought I would know what that feels like. It has changed me. I see how precious and fragile life is. My list of "what's important" has changed a bit too. All we truly have are each other and when I think about all the people who have done so much for me and my family over the last 5 months I am blown away by the love and compassion shown to us. It reaffirms that we do only have one another and those solid, loving relationships will help us through anything that we are faced with. We are all so fortunate to have such a strong community of amazing people around us. It really does take a small army to take on this thing called life and TOGETHER we will KEEP GOING!
Posted by Todd Larsen at 11:30 AM 5 comments
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Recycling Drive This Weekend!!!!!
Don't forget - this Saturday morning the 13th is our next Recycling drive for Todd Larsen & Family. We'll be at Meadowood Park & Northpark Community Center early to pick-up, sort & then donate to beat Todd's fight against leukemia. If you would like to join us to volunteer, just show up at either park or email redmond@help-our-coach.org. Thanks to all the kids that are making this happen for Todd and his Family.” Questions? Robin Edmond redmond2@cox.net
Posted by Todd Larsen at 7:37 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Benefit Concert Rocked!!!
Thank you for your support at the Todd Rocks Concert! It was a great party!!!
Posted by Todd Larsen at 3:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 1, 2010
I have a transplant donor!
Kelly and I visited City of Hope on Thursday and my Doctor told us they have found a great donor for me. We are so excited!! The transplant process will start in mid February. While at C of H I will undergo more chemo and full body radiation right before the transplant.
I will be in the Hospital for about a month and then closely monitored on a daily basis for another 3-4 months. We will be transplanting the whole family to the Pasadena area for that time. They said it would be about a year after transplant when I can start teaching again. It takes that long for my immune system to fully recover.
We know that we are so blessed to be at this point. Thank you so much for all the prayers! We couldn't be doing this without all the help everyone has given us.
I want to thank all the kids for all the letters, home-made cards, emails, facebook wishes and tweets. They all brighten my day like you wont believe! I miss you all and I miss teaching you so much. Thank you everyone!!
Don't miss the upcoming concert at House of Blues February 1st. It's gonna be rockin'!!
Posted by Todd Larsen at 3:45 PM 2 comments
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Todd Rocks Benefit Concert!!!
Click on the poster to view in full screen
Hosted by 95.5 KLOS-FM’s Uncle Joe Benson, the evening will feature special performances by Vivian Campbell, guitarist for Def Leppard and Whitesnake and Mark Schulman, the drummer for Pink, Beyonce, and Sheryl Crow; and Jon Abrams, the star of Broadway’s “Movin’ Out.”
WHEN: Monday, February 1st, 2010
TIME: 6 p.m. to Close
WHERE: House of Blues Anaheim (Downtown Disney) 1530 Disneyland Drive, Anaheim, CA Phone: (714) 778-2583
To purchase tickets, look in the right hand column of this page and pay using your PayPal account or credit card.
If you would like to donate a raffle item please contact Ms. Sandy Jones at 949.252.2046.
Thank you – We hope to see you on February 1st.
Posted by Todd Larsen at 10:50 AM 1 comments
Friday, January 15, 2010
It's been so long
Yes, it's me, Todd, finally blogging once again. Sorry it's been so long but December was a cruddy month to say the least. So...Here's the latest...
Posted by Todd Larsen at 2:33 PM 7 comments
Monday, January 11, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Toddstock Slideshow!
If you would like a T-shirt from Toddstock, we have some left. Email Susan Ingalls at susaningalls@sbcglobal.net
Posted by Todd Larsen at 12:52 PM 1 comments