Hello again,
I want to let you know how Todd is doing. He has had some good days, which is so GOOD to see. He has felt well enough to answer his phone! woo hoo! He still has a virus he is fighting off and he is trying to be interested in eating. If these two things fall into place they will be able to release him. They are both slow going, so we do not anticipate him going anywhere just yet, but we are all hopeful that it will be sooner than later. He would LOVE some (healthy please) visitors. You can call ahead of time and make sure he is ok for company. The number at City of Hope is 626-356-4673. The address is 1500 E. Duarte Rd. Duarte CA, 91010.
Todd is going through a lot of blood right now, so if you can donate it would be so much appreciated. Call the number above for details.
He would love to see you or hear from you! Thank you for the continued prayers and support!
Here are some photos of Todd and Garrett on Memorial Day...